Jeans and Sneakers and the Wall

Youth fashion
Jeans and sneakers

We look our best in subdued colors, sophisticated cuts, and a general air of sleek understatement. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great. We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. I like the things around me to be beautiful and slightly dreamy, with a feeling of worldliness. Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.

Fashion is always of the time in which you live. It is not something standing alone. But the grand problem, the most important problem, is to rejeuvenate women. To make women look young. Then their outlook changes. They feel more joyous. I have an obsession with details and pattern. Money is the most corrosive aspect of life today because it means that all attention to detail is forgotten. Elegance isn't solely defined by what you wear. It's how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture.

People said making clothes inside out was not proper. I disagreed, because clothes that are inside out are as beautiful as a cathedral. I think it's an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. I am what I am. Before I was not so proud to make fashion. My family thought fashion wasn't very interesting. So I hid that. I have a fantastic relationship with money. I use it to buy my freedom.

Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. For me, the summer will be pure gray - mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I always loved aesthetics. Not particularly fashion, but an idea of beauty.

Dressing up. People just don't do it anymore. We have to change that. I believe in comfort. If you don't feel comfortable in your clothes, it's hard to think of anything else. An evening dress that reveals a woman's ankles while walking is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. The difference between style and fashion is quality. If you cut a painter's hands off, he'd still feel the urge to pick up a brush.
