Keep it Vintage, Authentic and Real

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Sipping Coffee 

If you cut a painter's hands off, he'd still feel the urge to pick up a brush. I feel that things happen for a reason and open up new opportunities. The market is like a language, and you have to be able to understand what they're saying. If you cut a painter's hands off, he'd still feel the urge to pick up a brush. If I had the power, I would ban leggings. 

 I feel that things happen for a reason and open up new opportunities. I am convinced that you don't need to spend a fortune to look like a million. The market is like a language, and you have to be able to understand what they're saying. We look our best in subdued colors, sophisticated cuts, and a general air of sleek understatement. I am convinced that there can be luxury in simplicity. I am convinced that you don't need to spend a fortune to look like a million. 

If you wear clothes that don't suit you, you're a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. I'd like to believe that the women who wear my clothes are not dressing for other people, that they're wearing what they like and what suits them. It's not a status thing. I sometimes feel that a pattern is almost a fashion statement in itself. I have my permanent muses and my muses of the moment. Vanity is the healthiest thing in life.
